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Ha-Mim Coding Letters Table Expert Level - 5.1 *** Text Input *** Ver:1.0 |
General Criterion: Bring 7 fabricated surahs. All the surahs you bring must have the same starting sentence. The total number of verses of 7 surahs is min. 400 should be 500 max. Verses should be numbered, the beginning sentence should not be numbered. These surahs you bring should have 2 coding letters and the first verse of each surah should consist of these letters, (Ha-Mim). In the second verse of the 3rd surah of the group, there should also be 3 more coding letters (Ayn-Sin-Kaf) and the verse should consist of these letters. The criticism of the criteria Download the criteria as an Excel file Info |
Criterion-1: Bring 7 fabricated Surahs. These surahs you will bring must have 2 coding letters. The table consisting of the numbers of the coding letters of each surah should contain 3-digit numbers in the first column and 2-digit numbers in the second column. These numbers will be created automatically by taking the numerical values (Abjad) - (Gametria) (8 and 40) of the letters Ha and Mim, which you will enter. |
Surah | Total | |||||||||
Total : | Lafz-1: | Lafz-2: | Arabic: Hemze(ء): |
Criteria No |
Description | Encoding | Conclusion | Detial |
1st Group Codings: Codings on the numbers of Ha-Mim coding letters in suras | ||||
2- | Sum of letter numbers | Criterion-2:
The sum of the coding letters in the 7 surahs you will bring must be divided by 19 exactly. The probability value is 1/19. (Reşat Khalifa - 1984) |
3- | Ratio of the sum of the number of letters to the sum of the numbers in the digits | Criterion-3:
The division (ratio) of the sum of the coding letters in the 7 surahs you will bring to the sum of the digits
of the letter numbers must be equal to 19. Probability value approximately 1/40 (Milan Sulc - 1993) Total probability value: 1/19 x 1/40 = 1/760 |
4.1- | Ratio of the sum of the number of letters to the sum of the numbers in the digits (Group-1) | Criterion-4.1:
The division (ratio) of the sum of the numbers in Group-1 (first three surahs) of the 7 surahs you will bring
to the sum of the numbers in their digits must be equal to 19. Subgroup-1 probability value is approximately 1/19 (Milan Sulc - 1993) Total probability value: 1/760 x 1/19 = 1/14,440 |
4.2- | Ratio of the sum of the number of letters to the sum of the numbers in the digits (Group-2) | Criterion-4.2:
The division (ratio) of the sum of the numbers in Group-2 (last four surahs) of the 7 surahs you will bring
to the sum of the numbers in their digits must be equal to 19. Subgroup-2 probability value is approximately 1/10 (Milan Sulc - 1993) Total probability value: 1/14.440 x 1/10 = 1/144.400 |
4.3- | Ratio of the sum of the number of letters to the sum of the numbers in the digits (Group-3) | Criterion-4.3:
Group-3 of the 7 surahs you will bring (the first three surahs of the last four surahs change places,
the first three surahs) must be divided by the sum of the numbers in their digits (ratio) equal to 19. Subgroup-3 probability value is approximately 1/19 (Milan Sulc - 1993) Total probability value: 1/444,400 x 1/19 = 1/2,743,600 |
4.4- | Ratio of the sum of the number of letters to the sum of the numbers in the digits (Group-4) | Criterion-4.4:
The 7 surahs you will bring in Group-4 (the first three and the last four surahs change places, the last four surahs)
must be equal to 19 divided by the sum of the numbers in their digits. Subgroup-4 probability value is approximately 1/10 (Milan Sulc - 1993) Total probability value: 1 in 27 Million |
5- | Sequence of Row Groups of Ha-Mim Values | Criterion-5:
The consecutive sequence of the row groups of the table formed by the coding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be divided by 19 exactly. The probability value is 1/19 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.12.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) Total probability value: 1 in 521 Million |
5.1- | Array of numbers consisting of sums of consecutive digits of Ha-Mim Values Row Groups Consequence | Kriter-5.1: The row of the table formed by the encoding letter numbers in the 7 suras you will bring
The sequence of numbers consisting of the sums of consecutive digits of the consecutive sequence of the groups, respectively, must be exactly divided by 19. The probability value is 1/19 1 in 19 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 17.12.2022 - Turkey/Yalova) Total probability value: 1 in 9.9 Billion |
6- | Sequence of Columns of Ha-Mim Values | Criterion-6:
The sequential order of the column groups of the table formed by the encoding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be divided by 7 exactly. Probability value 1/7 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.12.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) Total probability value: 1 in 69 Billion |
7- | Reverse Sequence of Row Groups of Ha-Mim Values | Criterion-7:
The consecutive reverse order of the row groups of the table formed by the encoding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be divided by 7 exactly, and when dividing by 19, it should give a remainder of 7.
( In addition to the ≡ 0 (mod 7) criterion, it must meet one of the ≡ 0 (mod 19) or ≡ 2 (mod 19) or ≡ 7 (mod 19) criteria ) Probability value 1/7 x 3/19 = 3/133 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.12.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) Total probability value: 1 in 3 Trillion |
8- | Consecutive Sequence of Sum of Ha-Mim Rows | Criterion-8:
The sequential order of the row totals of the table formed by the coding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be divided by 7 exactly. Probability value 1/7 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 04.11.2018 - Turkey/Kastamonu/Hanönü) Total probability value: 1 in 21.5 Trillion |
9.0- | Sum of Digits of Ha-Mim Row Sums | Criterion-9.0:
The sum of the digits of the row totals of the table formed by the coding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be exactly divided by 7. Probability value 14/100 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 04.11.2018 - Turkey/Kastamonu/Hanönü) Total probability value: 1 in 153.6 Trillion |
9.1- | Sequence of Rows in a Table | Criterion-9.1:
The sequencing of the rows of the table formed by the encoding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be divided by 7 exactly. Probability value 1/7 (Kaan Gümüşay 16.01.2022 - Turkey/Istanbul) Total probability value: 1 in 1 Quadrillion |
9.2- | The sum of the Digits of the Consecutive sequence of Rows in the Table. | Criterion-9.2:
The sum of the digits of the rows of the table formed by the coding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring must be exactly divided by 19. Probability value 1/19 (Kaan Gümüşay 16.01.2022 - Turkey/Istanbul) Total probability value: 1 in 20 Quadrillion |
9.3- | Consecutive sequence of Columns in a Table | Criterion-9.3:
The sequential order of the columns of the table formed by the encoding letter numbers in the 7 surahs
you will bring should be exactly divisible by 7, and when dividing by 19, it should give a remainder of 7.
In addition to the ≡ 0 (mod 7) criterion, it must meet one of the ≡ 0 (mod 19) or ≡ 2 (mod 19) or ≡ 7 (mod 19) criteria.
Probability value 3/133 (Kaan Gümüşay 16.01.2022 - Turkey/Istanbul) Total probability value: 1 in 906 Quadrillion |
10- | The sum of the Remains of Mode 7 of Row Totals | Criterion-10:
The sum of the remainder of the row sums of the table consisting of the number of coding letters in the 7 surahs
you will bring must be equal to 19. Probability value 1/7 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 04.11.2018 - Turkey/Kastamonu/Hanönü) Total probability value: 1 in 6.3 Quintillion |
11- | Abjad Values of Ha-Mim Letters and Sequence of Total Numbers | Criterion-11:
The numerical values (Abjad value) of the coding letters in the 7 surahs you will bring and the sequential sequence
of the total numbers in the table must be divided by 7 and 19, respectively. Probability value 1/133 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 27.06.2020 - Senegal/Dakar) Total probability value: 1 in 843.6 Quintillion |
2.Group Codings: The encodings that appear in the sequences of the EBCD values of the Ha-Mim coding letters within the periods | ||||
12- | The sequencing of the Abjad Values of the Letters Ha(8)-Mim(40) according to the order of the letters in the Surahs | Criterion-12:
The coding, which consists of the numerical values of the coding letters in the 7 surahs you will bring,
according to the letter order in the surahs, should be divided into 19 exactly. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 14.11.2018- Turkey/Kastamonu/Hanönü) |
The sequential order of the Abjad Values of the Letters Ayn(70)-Sin(60)-Kaf(100) according to the order of the Letters in the 42nd Surah | There should be 3 more coding letters in the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah of the 7 surahs you will bring.
Starting from the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah, the large number consisting of the numerical values
of the 3rd surah according to the order of the letters in the surahs should give a remainder of 2 when divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 24.12.2018 - Turkey/Yalova) |
13- | The sequencing of the Abced values of the Letters Ha-Mim and Ayn-Sin-Kaf according to the order of the letters in the Surahs | Criterion-13:
There should be 3 more coding letters in the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah of the 7 surahs you will bring.
The total number of coding letters in the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah in the 3rd surah must be exactly divided by 19.
And the large number consisting of the numerical values (Abjad value) of the coding letters of the 7 surahs
(the coding letters in the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah, starting from the 2nd verse of the 3rd surah only for the 3rd surah)
according to the order of the letters in the surahs should be exactly divided by 19 and should give a remainder of 2 when divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 24.12.2018 - Turkey/Yalova) |
14- | The sequence of the coding letters in the verses of the Ha-Mim surahs, which contain the word Allah, according to the order of their Abjad Values | Criterion-14:
The large number consisting of the numerical values (Abjad value) of the coding letters in the verses of the 7 surahs you will bring,
in which the name of the owner or the author of the book is found, must be exactly divided by 19 according to the order of the letters in the surahs. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 08.12.2020 - Senegal/Dakar) |
The sequence of the Abjads of the coding Letters in the verses of the Ha-Mim surahs with the word Lillahi in them | The large number consisting of the numerical values (Abjad value) of the coding letters in the verses of the 7 surahs
you will bring, in which the second name of the owner or author of the book is found, according to the order
of letters in the surahs, should give remainder of 2 when divided by 7 (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 08.12.2020 - Senegal/Dakar) |
3.1-Grup Kodlamalar: Ha-Mim kodlama harflerinin EBCD değerlerinin surelerin ayetlerine dağılımlarında ortaya çıkan kodlamalar | ||||
15- | The sequential order of the coding letters of the Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses according to the natural order of the Abjad sums | Criterion-15:
The 7 surahs You Will Bring coding letters numeric (Abjad) values the larger number consisting of the sequential ordering of their sums
on a verse basis should be exactly divisible by 7 and 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 24.12.2018 - Turkey/Yalova) |
16- | The sequential ordering of the sums of Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) according to their natural order | Criterion-16:
In the 7 surahs you will bring; For each Verse, the large number consisting of the sequential ordering of the Verse-Based Coding Numbers,
which consists of the sum of the Verse number, the numeric (Abjad) values of the Coding letters, and the sum of the Coding Letter numbers,
must be exactly divided by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.12.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) |
17- | Sequence of the sums of the Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) according to the natural order of the 1st level Absolute Differences | Criterion-17:
In the 7 surahs you will bring; For each Verse, the large number consisting of the sequential ordering of the 1st Level Absolute Differences
between Verse-Based Coding Numbers, which consists of the sum of the Verse number, the numerical (Abjad) values of the Coding letters, and the sum of the Coding Letter numbers,
must be exactly divided by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 10.04.2021 - Senegal/Dakar) |
18- | Sequence of the sums of the Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) according to the natural order of the 2nd level Absolute Differences | Criterion-18:
In the 7 surahs you will bring; For each Verse, the big number consisting of the sequential ordering of the 2nd Level Absolute Differences
between Verse-Based Coding Numbers consisting of the sum of the Verse number, the numerical (Abjad) values of the Coding letters and the sum of the Coding Letter numbers
should be exactly divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 10.04.2021 - Senegal/Dakar) |
Sequence of the sums of the Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) according to the natural order of the 3rd level Absolute Differences | In the 7 surahs you will bring; For each Verse, the large number consisting of the sequential ordering of the 3rd Level Absolute Differences
between Verse-Based Coding Numbers, consisting of the sum of the Verse number, the numerical (Abjad) values of the Coding letters, and the sum of the Coding Letter numbers,
should give a remainder of 2 when divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 10.04.2021 - Senegal/Dakar) |
19.1- | The sequential order of the Abjad Sums and (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) of the Ha-Mim Surahs on the basis of verses in their natural order | Criterion-19.1:
Based on the verses in the 7 surahs you will bring; The large number (coding) consisting of the sequential sequence of the Sum of the Numerical (Abjad) Values
of the Coding Letters and the Sum of the Verse Number + Numerical (Abjad) Values of the Coding Letters + the Sum of the Number of Coding Letters must be exactly divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.05.2022 - Turkey/Yalova) |
19.2- | Sums of Ha-Mim Surahs on the basis of verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) and sequential order of Abjad Sums according to their natural order | Criterion-19.2:
Based on the verses in the 7 surahs you will bring; The big number (coding) consisting of the sequential sequence of Verse Number + Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values
Sum + Coding Letters Sums and Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values Sums in their natural order (coding) must be exactly divided by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.05.2022 - Turkey/Yalova) |
19.3- | REVERSE sequencing of Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses based on Abjad Sums and (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sums) in their natural order | Kriter-19.3:
Based on the verses in the 7 surahs you will bring; The large number (coding) consisting of the TERS sequential sequence according to the natural order
of the Sum of the Numerical (Abjad) Values of the Coding Letters and the Sum of the Verse Number + Numerical (Abjad) Values of the Coding Letters + the Sum of the Number
of Coding Letters must be exactly divided by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.05.2022 - Turkey/Yalova) |
19.4- | REVERSE sequencing of (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sums) and Ha-Mim surahs on the basis of verses based on Abjad Sums in their natural order | Criterion-19.4:
Based on the verses in the 7 surahs you will bring; The large number (coding) consisting of TERS sequential sequence according to the natural order
of Verse Number + Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values Sum + Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values Sums and Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad)
Values Sums should be exactly divided by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 25.05.2022 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.1- | The sequential order of the sums of the verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) in the Ha-Mim surahs that provide the equivalence of ≡ 0 (mod 7) | Criterion-20.1:
For the Verses that provide the equivalence of ≡ 0 (mod 7) in the 7 surahs you will bring (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum),
the sequential order of their sums should be divided by 19 exactly. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 20.03.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.2- | The sequential order of the sums of the verses (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) providing equivalence of ≡ 0 (mod 19) in Ha-Mim surahs according to their natural order | Criterion-20.2:
For the Verses that provide the equivalence of ≡ 0 (mod 19) in the 7 surahs you will bring (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum),
the sequential order of their sums should be divided by 19 exactly. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 20.03.2019 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.2.1- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 7) The sequencing of the verse numbers according to their natural order in the sums that provide the equivalence of Abjad Total and in those who have the word Allah in the verse |
Criterion-20.2.1: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 7) Abjad Total and in the ones in which the name of the owner or author of the book is found in the verse
According to the natural order of the verse numbers, the sequential order should be divided by 19 and 7 exactly. And The sum of the digits of the Verse numbers must be exactly divisible by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 05.07.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.2.2- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 7) Abjad Total and the sum of the digits of the Sura and Verse numbers of those who have the word Allah in the verse. |
Criterion-20.2.2: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 7) Abjad Total) and the names of the owner or author of the book in the verse
The sum of the digits of the Sura and Verse numbers must be exactly divisible by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 05.07.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.2.3- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 7) The sequencing of the Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values according to their natural order in sums that provide the equivalence of Abjad Total and those with the word Allah in the verse |
Criterion-20.2.3: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 7) Abjad Total and in the ones in which the name of the owner or author of the book is found in the verse
The sequential order of the Coding Letters Numeric (Abjad) Values should be divided by 19 exactly according to their natural order. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 05.07.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.3- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 19) The sequencing of the verse numbers according to their natural order in the sums that provide the equivalence of (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) and in those who have the word Allah in the verse |
Criterion-20.3: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 19) (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and in the ones in which the name of the owner or author of the book is found in the verse
According to the natural order of the verse numbers, the sequential order should be divided by 19 exactly. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 16.01.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.4- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 19) (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and the sum of the digits of the Sura and Verse numbers of those who have the word Allah in the verse. |
Criterion-20.4: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 19) (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and the names of the owner or author of the book in the verse
The sum of the digits of the Sura and Verse numbers must be exactly divisible by 19. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 16.01.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.5- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 19) The sequencing of the Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values according to their natural order in sums that provide the equivalence of (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and those with the word Allah in the verse |
Criterion-20.5: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 19) (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and in the ones in which the name of the owner or author of the book is found in the verse
The sequential order of the Coding Letters Numeric (Abjad) Values should be divided by 19 exactly according to their natural order. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 16.01.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
20.5.1- | In Ha-Mim surahs ≡ 0 (mod 7) The sequencing of the Coding Letters Numerical (Abjad) Values according to their natural order in sums that provide the equivalence of (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and those with the word Allah in the verse |
Kriter-20.5.1: In 7 Surahs You Will Bring ≡ 0 (mod 7) (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) and in the ones in which the name of the owner or author of the book is found in the verse
The sequential order of the Coding Letters Numeric (Abjad) Values should be divided by 19 exactly according to their natural order. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 05.07.2023 - Turkey/Yalova) |
21- | The Abjad sequence in the verses of the Ha-Mim surahs containing the word Allah and the sequential ordering of their sums (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Sum) according to their natural order | Criterion-21:
Arrangement of the numerical values (Abjad value) of the coding letters in the verses of the 7 surahs you will bring, in which the name of the owner or the author of the book is found,
according to the order of letters in the surahs, and the sequential ordering of the sums (Number of Verses + Number of Coding Letters + Abjad Total) according to the natural order
of their sums to 19 must be fully partitioned. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 08.12.2020 - Senegal/Dakar) |
22- | The sequential order of the total number of verses (Basmalah + numbered Verses) in the Ha-Mim surahs | Criterion-22:
The sequential order of the total number of verses (Basmala + numbered Verses) of
bring should be exactly divided by 19 and should give a remainder of 2 when divided by 7. (Mustafa Kurdoğlu 18.10.2018 - Turkey/Yalova) |
Important Note:
The criteria do not end at the 22nd criterion, they continue. After the 22nd criterion, the Numerical Coding of the Qur'an expands by connecting to the number set formed
by the verse numbers of the 114 surahs in the Qur'an index, of which the total number of verses in the Ha-Mim surahs (Basmala + numbered Verses) is the element,
and spreads over the whole Qur'an numerically. Other criteria are planned to be published in the future as a continuation of this study.
You Can Download Other Criteria as Excel Files Here Since the numerical encodings (Even and Odd - 7 and 19) on the number set formed by the verse numbers of the surahs in the index of the Qur'an are formed by using the same coding elements as the criteria above, there are mathematical connections between them and the chain of interconnected criteria continues to lengthen. It is clearly seen that this numerical structure, which does not even seem possible to calculate the probability value, cannot be designed by people and a similar text containing this numerical structure cannot be written. |